Photo with picture frame 写真販売
Standard specification "A" ( 標準 仕様"A")
frame size (フレームサイズ)=606 mm × 455mm
pictuer size (写真サイズ)=400 mm x 300 mm
mat thickness (マット厚さ)=3 mm
paper (用紙タイプ)=”ILFORD Gold Mono Silk (A3+)”
selling price=40,000 JPY without tax (40,000 円 税別)
Standard specification "B" ( 標準 仕様"B")
frame size (フレームサイズ)=379 mm × 288 mm
pictuer size (写真サイズ)=200 mm × 266 mm
mat thickness (マット厚さ)=3 mm
paper (用紙タイプ)=”ILFORD Gold Mono Silk (A4)”
selling price=30,000 JPY without tax (30,000 円 税別)
Taking photographs 写真撮影
Ex.) Weding party, Internatinal Symposium etc.
Half day photography ( 半日撮影 )
photographing time (撮影時間)= 3 hours (約3時間)
shooting fee (撮影費)= 30,000 JPY without tax (30,000 円 税別)
Full day photography ( 終日撮影 )
photographing time (撮影時間)= 6 hours (約6時間)
shooting fee (撮影費)= 50,000 JPY without tax (50,000 円 税別)
Note (備考)
the transportation expenses are actual expenses request separately.
Photo data only 写真データーの使用
consultation provided at another occasion ( 別途、相談ください)